Saturday 23 February 2013

God-Man relationship

   What holds a person from reaching God?
God created man in His own image. Since God is invisible to our naked eyes, does it mean that God is hiding? Never, He is visible to the eyes of one’s soul. The most loving power who loves us beyond all human strength is God. That is why God sent His only son to earth to deliver all from their sins and live a life pleasing to God than to men. Jesus showed His supremacy over all creations. The things that hold a person from reaching God is his own self. One who lives to his own way and ideas are sure to fall without the help of the Almighty. Living to God’s will ensure that He is always with the person and guides him in all his ways. The door of Jesus is always kept open and not a single person is forgotten who reaches to Him. The disbelief that anyone holds to oneself is primarily the cause of the separation between man and God. All worldly pleasures, material benefits and earthly living come to an end at one point or another. The gifts that come from the Lord stay forever till the end of times. So why then keep the heart focused on what is short lived than seeking eternity and fullness of life.


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