Saturday 23 February 2013

Strength of Prayer

  Why is the prayer powerful?
Does man connect to God? Heavenly Father is always reachable at all times and at all circumstances. The relationship with God is unending even when man fails to reach to Him; He is watching and loving every time. God is eternal. Man is mortal. Man becomes eternal through the power of Jesus and following the path He has shown for salvation. Prayer is a means for mankind to connect to the supernatural, supreme, and almighty power of God. Holy Spirit, Saints and angels support to enable our mission to unite to the Holiness of all creations. Purity of soul is renewed, abundance of grace and mercy flow through the strength of prayer. A noble act is indeed a prayer. A kind gesture is a prayer. A help to the needy is also a prayer in one form or the other. Prayer implies to call the spirit of one to reach the spirit of the Lord. ‘Our Father, who art in heaven…’ becomes a source of eternal energy. All things that is required are met by the Holy One without which nothing is possible.

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