Saturday 23 February 2013

Meaningful living

When does the life of a person become meaningful?

The meaning of life is a general question, but its answer to each person is unique. This is because all people on earth are different from each other. Living to satisfy only self needs is meaningless. So being to live not only for but also to serve others and serve the Lord is meaningful. Earthly living perishes one day or the other whereas living for the Lord ensures salvation and eternal life in the presence of God. Will of God is the choice of any person. It is the Will of the Almighty Himself. It should not be mistakenly taken to mean that the Will is to satisfy one’s own luxury in living. Know Jesus to Know the Father and understand His Will. The Lord’s way is clear from the Holy book, Bible. Holy explanation helps to understand the meaning better. Those who have lived following Christ’s teaching have in no way lost. All have space in the Kingdom of Heaven.

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